Cześć! Jestem włoszką i od 15 lat mieszkam w Warszawie. Z tego powodu jestem naturalnie skłonna sprawić, abyście poczuli się jak w domu w moim adoptowanym mieście :) Jestem tutaj, aby pomóc Wam uzyskać najlepsze wrażenia w naszym pięknym mieszkaniu. Jestem otwarty na pytania i/lub sugestie!
Hello! I am Italian and have been living in Warsaw for 15 years. It is because of this that I am naturally inclined to make you feel at home in my adopted city :) I am here to help you get the best experience in our beautiful apartment. I am open to questions and/or suggestions!
Ciao! Sono un'italiana che vive a Varsavia da 15 anni. E proprio grazie a questo sono naturalmente portata a farti sentire a casa tua nella mia città d'adozione :) Sono qui per aiutarti a trascorrere serenamente il periodo nel quale abiterai nel nostro bellissimo appartamento. Se hai domande o consigli, sono tutta orecchie!
Owner's hobbies
Lubię architekturę wnętrz, projektowanie było moim poprzednim zawodem. Uwielbiam znaleźć sposób aby zwykły lokal stał się "domem"!
Bardzo lubię też spędzać czas z moimi dziećmi i psami, jak również czasami uciekać z moim mężem i z nim żeglować na jednym z pięknych polskich jeziorach :)
I am interested in interior design, since that was my previous job. I love to find the way to make a house feel like a home!
I also enjoy very much spending time with my children and my dogs, or my & my hubby's little escapades to go sailing on one of the many Polish lakes :)
Mi interesso di design d'interni, era la mia occupazione prima di questo lavoro. Adoro fare in modo che uno locale diventi una "casa"!
Mi piace anche passare il tempo con in miei figli e i miei cagnolini, così come ogni tanto fuggire con mio marito e veleggiare su uno dei bellissimi laghi polacchi :)
Verified by guest
This badge is awarded to listings where the previous guest(s) experienced a smooth move-in and move-out, as evidenced by either a positive review or no bad review from them, indicating a smooth handover of the rental unit to the host.
Verified by Flatio
The badge is awarded to listings where a Flatio team member was physically present, whether to take photos, create a virtual tour, or stay in the rental unit for various reasons – either alone or with friends and family.
StayProtection vs. Stay Benefits
StayProtection for Guests is a Flatio coverage that applies to you at all times. It was designed to protect you, your money, and your peace of mind. StayProtection also includes an exclusive Move-in Guarantee, ensuring you'll have a place to stay even if things don't go as planned.
+ Stay BenefitsStayProtection+ Stay Benefits
Stay Benefits is a special part of the StayProtection coverage which doesn't come with all Flatio living spaces. They include liability insurance, assistant services, and 24/7 online support for all situations covered by this package.
You can read more about the StayProtection and Stay Benefits packages and when they are applicable on this page.
Verified by Nomad Inspector
This badge is awarded to living spaces that have been inspected by a Nomad Inspector and verified as suitable for remote work in terms of Wi-Fi speed, workspace, location, etc. A Nomad Inspector is a digital nomad influencer who is a member of Flatio's Nomad Inspectors Club.
Perfect for professionals
A personally selected flat that meets the requirements of business clients
Leading competitor platforms
In our comparison, we mainly considered platforms that have a similar focus as Flatio and are also suitable for medium- or long-term stays. In particular, we analyzed data from, Spotahome, Homelike and Uniplaces.
Cześć! Jestem włoszką i od 15 lat mieszkam w Warszawie. Z tego powodu jestem naturalnie skłonna sprawić, abyście poczuli się jak w domu w moim adoptowanym…
Cześć! Jestem włoszką i od 15 lat mieszkam w Warszawie. Z tego powodu jestem naturalnie skłonna sprawić, abyście poczuli się jak w domu w moim adoptowanym mieście :) Jestem tutaj, aby pomóc Wam uzyskać najlepsze wrażenia w naszym pięknym mieszkaniu. Jestem otwarty na pytania i/lub sugestie!
Hello! I am Italian and have been living in Warsaw for 15 years. It is because of this that I am naturally inclined to make you feel at home in my adopted city :) I am here to help you get the best experience in our beautiful apartment. I am open to questions and/or suggestions!
Ciao! Sono un'italiana che vive a Varsavia da 15 anni. E proprio grazie a questo sono naturalmente portata a farti sentire a casa tua nella mia città d'adozione :) Sono qui per aiutarti a trascorrere serenamente il periodo nel quale abiterai nel nostro bellissimo appartamento. Se hai domande o consigli, sono tutta orecchie!
Your hobbies
Lubię architekturę wnętrz, projektowanie było moim poprzednim zawodem. Uwielbiam znaleźć sposób aby zwykły lokal stał się "domem"!
Bardzo lubię też spędzać czas z moimi dziećmi i psami, jak również czasami uciekać z moim mężem i z nim żeglować na jednym z pięknych polskich jeziorach :)
I am interested in interior design, since that was my previous job. I love to find the way to make a house feel like a home!
I also enjoy very much spending time with my children and my dogs, or my & my hubby's little escapades to go sailing on one of the many Polish lakes :)
Mi interesso di design d'interni, era la mia occupazione prima di questo lavoro. Adoro fare in modo che uno locale diventi una "casa"!
Mi piace anche passare il tempo con in miei figli e i miei cagnolini, così come ogni tanto fuggire con mio marito e veleggiare su uno dei bellissimi laghi polacchi :)
Welcome to our list of destinations where we have some amazing accommodations ready for you.
Attention hosts: You have the opportunity to rent anywhere in the world, regardless of the country! Don’t worry if your city is not displayed here - just list your property and we’ll add your destination to our listing. Be the first one to offer a warm and welcoming place to stay in your city!