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10 Practical Tips to Start and Maintain a Healthy Routine

18. may 2022 · 4 minute

We've all been there—probably countless times. We realize that all isn't well with our lives and decide to create a new routine that could save us.

We pick up a notebook and pen and write down what we should and shouldn't do starting the next day, or in most cases, the beginning of the next week. We commit to doing everything according to our new plan, and things go well for a few days until we run into unforeseen obstacles. Usually it doesn't take long for our resolve to weaken. Now we're back to square one.

That's understandable. Change isn't easy, and new routines can be challenging, especially in the beginning. However, if we always fail to stick to new routines and it feels like an insurmountable task, we may be doing it wrong.

In this post, we'll give you some practical tips that will hopefully get you out of this vicious cycle and help you live better.

1- Find out why your new habits haven't stuck so far.

Who're we actually kidding? We can't force ourselves to get up at 5.30 am and go to the gym at 7 a.m. Instead of punishing yourself for not being an early riser, first figure out the root cause by questioning yourself.

Ask yourself these questions and analyze your answers carefully.

  • Why can't I get up early? Maybe because you're tired.
  • Why am I tired? Maybe because you didn't get enough sleep.
  • Why didn't I get enough sleep? Maybe because you slept late.
  • Why did I sleep so late? Maybe because you had so many things to do and didn't have enough time.
  • Why do I never seem to have enough time? Maybe because you don't plan your day in advance, don't have good time management, don't have realistic expectations of yourself about how much you can get done in a day, don't use tools to help you get your work done faster and more efficiently, or don't delegate tasks.

Routines aren't a panacea that can solve all your problems at once. Before you start a new routine, you should think about why you were unable to stick to a new routine in the past. Once you address these issues, everything will take care of itself. You'll be able to sleep early and wake up early or adopt other new habits.

2 - Give your routine a purpose.

We're often more enthusiastic and motivated when we do things that have meaning to us. The same is true for routines.

When you understand the benefits of a healthy routine for your mental and physical health and how it can help you achieve your goals, you'll be more committed to keeping your promises to yourself. So ask yourself why exactly you want a new routine.

3- Go slow but steady.

Let's be honest. We can't turn our lives around overnight just because we have a new daily schedule taped to our bedroom wall. Have realistic expectations of yourself so you don't get disappointed before you even start.

Look at the things you're already doing right and build on them. A new routine doesn't have to involve completely new things.

For example, if you work out for 10 minutes every other day but would like to exercise more, start working out for 10 minutes every day. Then gradually increase it to 15 minutes a day, and so on.

Or if you want to eat healthier, change one thing a day instead of changing your entire eating habits from day one.

Breaking down big goals into smaller ones and taking a small step toward them each day will boost your confidence and give you enough fuel to continue on this journey.

4- Be patient.

We want instant results, but that's not how routines work because habits don't form overnight. According to experts, it usually takes a month of repetition to develop a lasting habit.

5- Be prepared.

To avoid frustration, especially on the first day of a new routine, make sure you have everything you need to set yourself up for success.

For example, if you've decided to work out with a specific piece of equipment, set it up where you want to work out. When everything is prepared, it's easier to stick to your plan.

6- Structure your day efficiently.

Write down what you need or want to do during your day and determine if you want to do it in the morning, afternoon, or evening. Specify when each task begins and ends. But don't put too much pressure on yourself by overdoing it. Be disciplined, but flexible.

7- Track your progress.

You may have heard that you can't measure what you can't see. This is so true. That's why you should find a way to track your progress. That way you can see how far you've come and if you need to adjust your routine. There are great apps out there that make it easy to track your progress.

8- Don't tell others about your new routine.

There are some experts that recommend telling the people around you about your new daily plans and involving them in your activities. We'd like to disagree with this.

While it's good to have support from your close friends and family members, telling them about your new promises, especially if you haven't fulfilled them yet, might just stress you out.

Instead of focusing on yourself and your schedule, you'll be probably worrying about what others will think of you if you don't do what you set out to do or if you decide to change something about your routine.

Learn to hold yourself accountable, as this can help you better than an accountability buddy.

If you get the results you want with the help of your new habits and others see the positive changes in your life, it's very likely that they'll ask you about it and join you in some of your activities.

This way you can enjoy the company of like-minded people on your journey without stressing yourself out.

9- Celebrate your small accomplishments.

Pat yourself on the back every time you accomplish something that was difficult for you before. Remember that success is the result of good, small decisions and actions over a period of time.

10- Embrace spontaneity.

It would be exhausting and unsustainable if you force yourself to follow a very strict routine. While discipline is key to developing new habits, don't forget to leave room for spontaneity whenever possible. But don't overdo it, because that will only reinforce the habit of procrastination.

Final words

Developing new habits usually seems difficult at first, but if you do it right and don't underestimate these simple tips, they'll be easily integrated into your everyday life after a few months. Everything will be on autopilot.

Just don't try to imitate others' lifestyles or compare yourself to others. We all have our own challenges, weaknesses, and strengths. We should choose what works for us and a pace we're comfortable with. Be YOU and try to become a better version of YOU every day.

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