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10 Tips to Reduce Eye Strain When Working from Home

16. july 2023 · 2 minute

With the increase in remote work, more and more people are spending extended periods of time in front of a screen. 

However, this increased screen time can lead to eye strain and various vision problems. To maintain eye health when you work from home, it's important to prioritize eye care. 

In this blog post, we'll introduce you to ten effective ways you can reduce eye strain and keep them healthy while working from home.

Set up an ergonomic workstation

An ergonomic workstation is important to minimize eye strain. Place your monitor at eye level, about an arm's length away, and make sure the top of the screen is slightly below eye level. Also, adjust the height of your chair and the distance to the screen to maintain a comfortable and natural posture.

Apply the 20-20-20 rule

Follow the 20-20-20 rule to give your eyes regular breaks. Every 20 minutes, you should focus your gaze for 20 seconds on an object at least 30 feet away. This exercise helps reduce eye fatigue from prolonged screen time and improves concentration.

Proper lighting

Make sure your workstation is well lit so your eyes don't get strained. Avoid bright light from above that blinds the screen. Instead, opt for indirect lighting or a desk lamp with adjustable brightness to create a comfortable work environment.

Blink frequently

Staring at the screen for extended periods of time can decrease the rate at which you blink, leading to dry and irritated eyes. Make a conscious effort to blink regularly while working to keep your eyes moist and avoid discomfort. If necessary, you can use artificial tears or eye drops.

Adjust screen settings

By adjusting your device's screen settings, you can significantly reduce eye strain. Increase the text size and contrast to make it easier on your eyes. Also consider using night mode or blue light filters to reduce the amount of blue light emitted from the screen.

Take regular breaks

Frequent breaks are important for both physical and eye health. Build short breaks into your work schedule to rest your eyes and relax your mind. Get up, stretch, and engage in activities that have nothing to do with the screen, such as walking or mindfulness exercises.

Make sure you have good posture

Good posture at work is important for overall well-being, including eye health. Sit up straight with a supported back and avoid slouching or leaning too close to a computer screen. Poor posture can lead to neck and back pain, which often contributes to eyestrain.

Exercise your eyes

Eye exercises can help relieve eye strain and improve concentration. Try exercises such as eye rolling, focusing on near and far objects, and hand placement. These exercises help relax eye muscles, promote blood circulation and reduce fatigue.

Stay hydrated

Drinking enough water throughout the day is important for overall health, including eye health. Dehydration can lead to dry eyes that are uncomfortable and irritated. Keep a water bottle nearby and make sure you drink water regularly.

Go for regular eye exams

Even if you work from home, it's important to have regular eye exams with an eye care professional. Comprehensive eye exams can detect underlying vision problems and allow for early intervention if needed. By taking care of potential problems early, you can avoid long-term complications.

Remember that your eyes are precious, so take care of them today so you can continue to have clear and vibrant vision in the future.

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